Grant Application and Submissions
The Bayfield Community Education Foundation (BCEF) invites applications for grants in the Spring and the Fall of each year for projects and programs which contribute to Education Excellence within the area covered by the Bayfield School District. This area includes the City and Town of Bayfield, the Town of LaPointe and the Town of Russell. Applicants can be associated with the Bayfield School District, libraries, Head Start programs, or any other institution or individual involved in education or training benefiting youth within our community granting area.
Instructions: Starting in 2022 we have broken the grant application process into a first and second round application.
*Funds must be used for educational purposes. We cannot fund employee staff time, or consumable items that may be in a school budget. Projects must be completed during the period specified in the grant. An Evaluation report must be submitted to the above address within thirty days of project completion.
BCEF will consider initial grant requests and will request additional information for the grants we choose to fund in each grant cycle. If your initial request is not considered you will receive an explanation.
All applications will be considered by the BCEF Awards Committee provided they are received by the following dates:
Spring Applications – no later than April 15, 2024
Fall Applications – no later than November 15, 2024
Instructions: Starting in 2022 we have broken the grant application process into a first and second round application.
- Initial application: Describe your project/proposal in 300 words or less and include answers to the following questions in your statement.* How will your programs involve and benefit the community? How many participants (estimate) will benefit from your proposal? Who specifically are the partners and participants in your program? What is the expected outcome of the learning experience you expect to provide? What is the logical next step for your program or learning experience into the future? How will you assess and evaluate your project? Describe your baseline and standards for success. Your statement is entered directly on the website.
- An application must still be completed and signed and can be found HERE. Specific itemized budget items are not required at this step; however, a total dollars requested amount is required. The appropriate signatures must be obtained, and the completed signed document submitted electronically to [email protected].
- You will be contacted about your grant request if more information is requested or if it is approved or denied. If approved, you will move on to the second round.
- Second round submissions will include the signed contract found HERE, and an itemized budget for the project. These will be sent to [email protected] using the ‘title of your project’ and ‘2nd round’ in the subject line. When this is received a link to your grants upload file will be shared with you. You may then upload any other documents relating to your grant and see your applications and previous submissions.
*Funds must be used for educational purposes. We cannot fund employee staff time, or consumable items that may be in a school budget. Projects must be completed during the period specified in the grant. An Evaluation report must be submitted to the above address within thirty days of project completion.
BCEF will consider initial grant requests and will request additional information for the grants we choose to fund in each grant cycle. If your initial request is not considered you will receive an explanation.
All applications will be considered by the BCEF Awards Committee provided they are received by the following dates:
Spring Applications – no later than April 15, 2024
Fall Applications – no later than November 15, 2024
Questions? Ask here.